Advance Ashburton Community Foundation act as a Local Donation Manager for The Tindall Foundation (TTF), a philanthropic family foundation working throughout Aotearoa to support families, community and the environment.
We are what’s called a Regional Donation Manager meaning that we distribute donations on behalf of TTF in the Ashburton District to projects and initiatives that support TTF’s Family/Whānau Focus Area. Donations can be up to a maximum of $3,745.
How to apply:
To apply for funding from the Tindall Foundation, please complete the Advance Ashburton Community Grants application form and return this to us. Application forms can be downloaded from our Community Grants page. We will review your application and assess it's eligibility for receiving Tindall funding. If you are considering applying, first check if you are eligible by clicking here.
Funding round dates:
Closing dates for our funding rounds can be found on our Community Grants page.
Find out more:
Watch the short film on The Tindall Foundation’s home page that explains the way Local Donation Managers fund on its behalf. -
The Tindall Foundation website -
We are what’s called a Regional Donation Manager meaning that we distribute donations on behalf of TTF in the Ashburton District to projects and initiatives that support TTF’s Family/Whānau Focus Area. Donations can be up to a maximum of $3,745.
How to apply:
To apply for funding from the Tindall Foundation, please complete the Advance Ashburton Community Grants application form and return this to us. Application forms can be downloaded from our Community Grants page. We will review your application and assess it's eligibility for receiving Tindall funding. If you are considering applying, first check if you are eligible by clicking here.
Funding round dates:
Closing dates for our funding rounds can be found on our Community Grants page.
Find out more:
Watch the short film on The Tindall Foundation’s home page that explains the way Local Donation Managers fund on its behalf. -
The Tindall Foundation website -