Who can apply?
We are looking for initiatives for families that:
Support the wellbeing of tamariki/children through their early years by:
Support the wellbeing of tamariki/children through their early years by:
- Enhancing the capability of parents.
- Supporting early childhood development, including language and literacy development, and social behaviour skills.
- Promoting a positive youth development sector and growing its capacity.
- Focusing on early intervention/prevention strategies for young people.
- Supporting initiatives which promote identity and participation and equality of young people, particularly youth-led initiatives.
- Working systemically to address youth employment, especially for those most distanced from the labour market.
- Supporting and advocating for tamariki/children and rangatahi/young people, especially children in care, or the prevention of children needing to be taken into care.
- Providing and assisting whānau/families into stable, healthy, and affordable housing – especially home ownership.
- Supporting the wellbeing of whānau/families in a holistic way, ensuring that their goals and aspirations are at the centre.
- Promoting violence free homes.
- Strengthening the identity and culture of whānau/families.
- Support whānau/families experiencing multiple and intergenerational disadvantage
- Put whānau/families at the centre
- Are whānau/family-led
- Use kaupapa Māori models of practice
- Work holistically and provide wrap around support
- Are grassroots
- Focus on long-term solutions
- Are collaborative
- Are community-led
- Core or public health services, or initiatives where the children or whānau/families have a health-related issue or disability. This includes initiatives where the ‘entry criteria’ for service users means that they have a physical, mental health or addiction issue or are living with a disability.
- Core education, including kindergartens and government and/or privately funded early childhood centres
- Research from outside a community without its direct involvement.
- Sport, leisure and recreation, including initiatives where the outcome is purely sports related
- The arts, including initiatives where the outcome is purely arts related
- House repairs, or housing projects whose main beneficiaries are not low income whānau/families
- Buildings or land
- Animal charities
- Capital assets or equipment over $3,000
- Individuals, personal loans, endowments or sponsorships
- Religious or political advocacy including religious advancement, political lobby groups, lobbying or marketing campaigns.
- Urgent or retrospective applications